Our Story


From Frustrated Dad to Creative Dad


Frustrated Dad

When our daughter turned 2½ years old her little sister was born and we stepped into a whirlwind of tantrums. I reacted to her screams, tears and kicks with threats of losing treats and toys. This just made things worse. I became a shouty dad, which is opposite to the fun and silly times we had had up to that point.

We read child development books to figure out what was going on and discovered it was normal. We were her safe space so she took out any upset and disappointment on us. We became her punchbags. Great!🤦‍♂️

I tried different distraction techniques, with various degrees of success. I listened more and apologized if I relapsed into shouty dad. Now I understood more I could steer the ship into calmer waters, sometimes. 😳😬 Then I noticed something. I knew it already on a professional level but hadn’t put 2 and 2 together.


Workshop Dad

I have been delivering creative workshops for kids in drawing, model making, and animation for almost 2 decades. This is something I am passionate about and find rewarding.

Over the years I have worked with a variety of age groups from little ones to teenagers in various settings, such as museums, art galleries, community centres, schools, referral units, etc.

I noticed that during these sessions participants became engaged, calm, and focused in their activity, leaving their worries momentarily behind. They were happy and centred in the present.

Creative Dad

I told my wife about these transformations and she asked why I didn’t deliver more creative activities with our kids. I had resisted taking my work home to use with my children because I thought they were too young.

But if it worked in my workshops, what would happen if I ran more creative sessions with my kids during family time? Bingo! It worked. 🤩🎉 My daughters became engaged and happy crafting and drawing. They lost themselves in a world of creativity, imagination and storytelling. What I had missed previously is that the magic is in the process of creating and making and not in the finished art piece. Sure, it’s nice to have something at the end that looks great, but the transformation of emotions, and attitude is more important.

The Secret

But there are lots of people delivering creative sessions and not all of them are getting the results I get. So what am I doing differently? I discovered a simple secret system I used without realizing it, which caused the transformation. I discovered CLIC = Connect, Listen, Imagine and Create. Following these simple steps and adding a helping of childlike curiosity created fantastic results. Try it for yourself with our Free Create Animate Kids Starter Kit.

Click the link below to turn family time into fun times. 😎